All brand and product names are english operators guide. Connect list shows the names of the felcom 18 terminals available. Furuno inmarsatc mobile earth station felcom18 information brochure, features, specifications. The screens you see depend on your system configuration and equipment settings.
Sd kort for lagring av meldinger intern gps mottaker ekstern alarmknapp for distress. The felcom 16 ssas facility is a ship security alert system ssas based on inmarsat minic mobile earth station. The example screens or illustrations shown in this manual can be different from the screens you see on your display. Imd03267001 furuno felcom18 imd03267002 furuno felcom18 ssas. Furuno ssas modification kit for the felcom18 international version ssas f18int furuno ssas modification kit for the felcom18 usa version ssas f18usa furuno printer 24vdc gmdss for felcom pp520 furuno gps kit op1662 felcom18 furuno ssas alert button international version ic307int furuno ssas alert button usa version ic307usa.
Felcom 15 with ssas facility felcom 16 with ssas facility for safety at sea. We are confident you will discover why the furuno name has become synonymous with quality and reliability. Furuno these instructions are for the following felcom terminals. Ship security alert system ssas 36 pages marine radar furuno felcom 81a installation manual. Setting ssas ssas ship security alert system is intended for transmitting a security alert to recipients specified without being noticed by attackers when the ship is under attack by armed invader, such as pirates, terrorists, etc. Mainly consisting of an antenna unit and a terminal unit, the felcom18 provides the full range of distress and general communication services for mobile and fixed terrestrial.
Furuno felcom 18 is inmarsatc mobile earth station. Back inmarsatc mobile earth station felcom 15 your local agentdealer 952 ashiharacho, nishinomiya, japan telephone. Furunos felcom 15 ssas version based on inmarsatc and felcom 16 ssas version based on minic have ta certificate is attached. We are installing ssas buttons felcom 15 and justanswer. Inmarsat c ssas configuration eik teleport marlink page 1022 3.
Hersteller furuno inmarsat felcom 18 thitronik marine. The furuno felcom 18, proven solutions for inmarsatcinmarsat minic services, fully incorporated ssas and lrit capabilities. Congratulations on your choice of the furuno felcom18 inmarsat c mes. Qty remarks acdc power supply unit pr240 0000632 1 ssas alert unit ic307 1 cable assy. The standard performance of the felcom 16 ssas facility meets the requirements of imo msc. Furuno felcom 18, inmarsat c rcom marine equipment. Warning turn off the power at the mains switchboard before beginning the installation. Felcom 15 or the inmarsat minic felcom 16 for the purpose of alerting. The felcom 16 mainly consists of a communication unit and an antenna unit.
View online or download furuno felcom 18 operators manual. Inmarsatc furuno felcom18 manual screw electrical wiring. Gps receiver option compatible with the following standard. It provides a high quality twoway telex and data link between ships and other parties at sea or on land. We are installing ssas buttons for furuno felcom 15 and we dont have password in order to adjust settings. Operators manual ome56350f inmarsatc felcom 15 ic307. The solas resolution xi26 requires vessels of 500 gt or more. Felcom 16 ssas operators manual screw electrical wiring. Ssas only spare parts sp1601401 004439530 1 for communication unit, fuses accessories fp1602700 000021675 1 for communication unit, cdr name type code no. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. It provides a high quality twoway telex and data link between. Furuno printer 24vdc gmdss for felcom pp520 furuno ssas modification kit for the. Furuno felcom 15 inmarsatc gmdss mobile earth station, 12. Ffloat rtk eestimated mode mmanual input mode ssimulator mode.
The felcom 18 is furunos new inmarsatc mobile earth station. Inmarsatc felcom 15 ic307 ssas alert unit the ssas alert unit option transmits the ssas report when your ship is being attacked by pirates or armed invaders, in routine priority. The contents of this manual and equipment specifications can change without notice. Egc safety netfleetnet, distress message handling, twoway digital storeandforward messaging including. No audible or visual alarm is generated while the ssas report is being transmitted, to prevent detection by the invaders. Furuno felcom 16 inmarsatc ssas operators manual ic307 uscg version furuno 2008, pdf. Tbn 3 principal particulars length overall length waterline breadth moulded depth moulded draft max draft design built year of delivery grt nrt class notation flag port of registry call sign imo number 60. Service manual inmarsatc mobile earth station kuband inmarsat minic vsat mobile earth station model felecom fv100 18, 19 f 18 19pcvms terminal ver. Ssas alert unit ic307 acdc power supply unit pr240 mini keyboard do not open the equipment unless totally familiar with electrical circuits and service manual.
The ic307 ssas ship security alert system alert unit connects to the inmarsatc mes felcom 15felcom 18 or the inmarsat minic felcom 16felcom 19 for the purpose of alerting specified addresses for example, your ships company that your ship is under attack by intruders. This mode is activated by the password entered by the ships captain or authorized personnel. View and download furuno felcom 15 operators manual online. Furuno felcom 18 is furunos new inmarsat c mobile earth station mes, providing high quality twoway telex and data link between ships or on land. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Felcom 15 is furunos new inmarsatc gmdss capable mobile earth station. Felcom 15, 16 18,19 in order to set the ssas you must activate the ssas manager mode. The ic307 ssas ship security alert system alert unit connects to the inmarsatc mes felcom 15 felcom 18 or the inmarsat minic felcom 16 felcom 19 for the purpose of alerting specified addresses for example, your ships company that your ship is under attack by intruders. Overview of ssas the ic307 ssas ship security alert system alert unit connects to the inmarsatc mes felcom 15felcom 18 or the inmarsat minic felcom 16felcom 19 for the purpose of alerting specified addresses for example, your ships company that your ship is under attack by intruders.
If less than three units are connected, change the setting to off as below. Egc safety netfleetnet, distress message handling, twoway digital storeandforward messaging including polling, data reporting, email, etc. View and download furuno ic307 operators manual online. Felcom 15 functions and services of the inmarsatc system are provided. All functions and services of the inmarsatc system are provided. Export settings of ssas, egc, network and terminal unit. Connected to a pc local supply, the felcom 16 provides a wide range of. Manufacturer furuno inmarsat felcom 18 thitronik marine. Felcom18 inmarsatc terminal the felcom18 is furunos inmarsatc mobile earth station. Cp1605101 001180020 1 for junction box, ssas only spare parts sp1601401 004439530 1 for communication unit, fuses accessories fp1602700 000021675 1 for communication unit, cdr name type code no. Maintenance start yes no login how to send a message to a station saved to the station list transmit 1. All brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders. Furunos inmarsat stationer felcom18 inmarsatc och felcom19 inmarsat minic, blackbox uppfyller aven kraven for lrit och ssas.
Imd03267001 furuno felcom 18 imd03267002 furuno felcom 18 ssas. The distress alert button is incorporated in the display for emergency. Inmarsatc felcom 15 ic307 ssas alert unit the ssas alert unit option transmits the ssas report when your ship is being attacked by. The felcom18 consists of an antenna and display unit with keyboard. The ic307 ssas ship security alert system alert unit connects to the inmarsat c mes. Egc safety netfleetnet, distress message handling, twoway digital storeandforward. Furuno felcom 16 inmarsatc ssas operators manual ic307 uscg version furuno 2008, pdf arcan. Connected to a pc local supply, the felcom 16 provides a wide range of communication services, such as email and telex, for mobile and fixed terrestrial subscribers in the inmarsat c communication network. All functions and services of the reliable inmarsatc system are provided. Inmarsatc, modell felcom18 inmarsat minic, modell felcom19. Furuno felcom 18 inmarsatc operators manual furuno 2012. Felcom 18 installation manual felcom 18 operators manual felcom 19 installation manual.
Felcom 16 ssas operators manual free download as pdf file. Inmarsatc furuno felcom 18 falcon tera axis limited. Service manual inmarsatc mobile earth station kuband inmarsat minic vsat mobile earth station model felecom fv100 18, 19 f1819pcvms terminal ver. Egc safety netfleetnet, distress message handling, twoway digital storeandforward messaging including polling, data reporting, email. En furuno felcom 18 inmarsatc operators manual furuno 2012, pdf. Setting ssas ssas ship security alert system is intended for transmitting a security alert to recipients specified without being noticed by attackers when the ship is under attack by. The terminal unit is the heart of the felcom system, creating, transmitting and re. Ship security alert system ssas for felcom 15161819. Ground the equipment to prevent electrical shock and mutual. Furuno felcom 18 inmarsat c mackay communications, inc.
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